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Gay teens and young adults who are. Chubby, husky, heavy set, fat, big. CHUB AND CHASER YOUTH ICQ ACTIVE LIST. A message board for everyone to use. Get in touch with Chubs and Chasers,. Browse Member Profiles and Post Pics. List for Young Chubs and Chasers. To meet and to talk. Sure you know everything! Other Resourses To Check Out. Site by Chub and Chaser Youth.
This site is for Mature Adults. Under 18? Current Bear-related events are on my alternate domain ShutterBear. It has become valuable to celebrate our longevity in the community - Ed turns 60! Bill and Stewart Visit 2004. We again all go photographing nature in the Russian River area where I live. Bill and Stewart Visit 2003. We all go photographing nature in the Russian River area where I live. Something about my photography and a bit about me. The floral side of my work.
Big, Beefy, Thick, Meaty Men of Color. Sunday, May 13, 2012. Friday, April 13, 2012. Thursday, April 12, 2012.
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not! This blog is totally NSFW! Please do not view this blog if you are under the age of 18 or whatever is the legal age where you live. This is where I let my hair down. I post what I see and like from those I follow and from elsewhere. , just because I want to.
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